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Steel insulated fire door 


Steel insulated fire doors, fire doors are doors that meet the requirements of fire resistance stability, integrity and insulation for a certain period of time. It is a fireproof partition with certain fire resistance, such as in fire compartments, evacuation stairwells, vertical shafts. In addition to the function of ordinary doors, fire doors have the function of preventing the spread of fire and the spread of smoke, which can prevent the spread of fire for a certain period of time and ensure the evacuation of personnel.1.jpg



The fire door is divided into two parts: the door frame and the door leaf.

The door frame portion is composed of a steel door frame body, a heat insulating sealing strip, a heat-dissipating structure, and the like;

The door leaf part is composed of a door leaf panel, an internal filler (fireproof board, a perlite door core board), a fireproof adhesive, and the like;


The company's fireproof panels are all made up of door panel + fire board + fire door core board + fire board + door panel structure. A sufficient amount of fireproof board can effectively break the fire and heat insulation effect. 

Qualification (please refer to the company for specific specifications) 



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